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Chosen Angels (Lilith and her Harem), May Dawson

by - Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Chosen Angels, (Lilith and her Harem)
May Dawson
Goodreads, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
Simple mission: Go into the afterlife, rescue my boyfriend from Hell, and save my sister from herself as she wanders lost in the Far. Simple. Not easy. Luckily for me, I have the rest of my men. And luckily for them, I'm Ellis Landon. Still kind of sloppy with the fireballs. Socially awkward at times. Reincarnated first woman. I'm ready to take on the world beyond death.

Wild Angels
Fierce Angels
Dirty Angels
Chosen Angels releases 5/10

***This is the final book in this set so there are spoilers for the first books***

Ellis, Ryker, Jacob and Levi finally found their fifth. Only for him to be ripped away from them. Now they must find a way to get him back. No problem, he's only in hell, or the Far. That is unless the Final Blade wiped him from existence completely. No problem!! Now if only the stupid council will go away so they can get back to business.

So back in book three, May utterly ripped my heart out with Nim. Totally made me cry. To say I have been waiting on this book since then is a major understatement. I probably had some pretty high expectations for this book too after her actually bringing me to tears. Well ladies and gents, she did not disappoint. I think this was a fantastic conclusion to Ellis and her guys story.

Not only do we have the whole journey to hell to retrieve Nim thing going on, but of course we have other drama too. The council is in town and the gang has been summoned. Is the council really the good guys? We may never know b/c someone is intent on taking Ellis and the guys out before they can even get there. The thing with being the reincarnated first woman, you make a lot of enemies.

So we definitely have a ton of action and suspense going on. We also have a huge emotional ride to take as well. With Nim lost to them, they are all dealing with what went down when they lost him. Ellis especially since she didn't trust in him when she should have. The guys are trying to come to terms with possibly losing forever the brother they finally got back. Ellis also gets the chance to speak with her sister again and man, the things that come about from that.

I think May did an amazing job of not only closing out their story in this book but with the entire series. The characters, especially grumpy Jacob when nobody else loved him, have had my heart from the get go. This has been a story not only just about a woman and her guys and their destiny, but of true love. True sacrifice. Giving everything you have for someone else and having love prevail in the end. Bravo to you May and I can't wait to see what you do with Ash and her story.

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