Rock On (The Rockstars of Hollywood Hill), E.M. Moore

Rock On, (The Rockstars of Hollywood Hill)
E.M. Moore

Goodreads, AmazonE.M. Moore

It's a...Reverse Harem
Welcome to The Rockstars of Hollywood Hill Series where the rock gods are bullies and it only takes one special girl to bring them to their knees.
Everyone has to start somewhere. That's what Aisley thinks when her dream job interview turns into a not so dream job reality. She's determined though and she will do whatever it takes to make her dreams come true. Even if that means waiting on some spoiled rockstars. What she really wants to do is be a songwriter but as long as she is around music, she can make it through. The Rowdy Rogues aren't having it though. They don't need some label lackey there to mess with them. They have enough problems on their own and don't need to add her to the mix. Their less than pleasant welcome doesn't deter her at all though. She's a tough cookie and nobody is going to stand in her way.
By now you should know that I LOVE me some EM Moore books. I've yet to read anything from her that doesn't suck me in and hold me there until the end. This book is no different. I literally spent all day reading this book. My poor child was practically ignored (he's 7, he was fine) all day b/c I was immersed in this book. It's not my absolute favorite b/c the Ballers series still holds that spot but I definitely love this book almost as much.
EM can write some female leads that you can't help but admire and Aisley fits that bill too. She knows what she wants out of life and she knows she's going to have to work to get it. These guys don't go easy on her at all either. Ian, Sean, Finnick and Archer are hell bent on keeping her out of their business. They have enough on their plate and really don't have time to deal with her. At first you are like what the hell is their problem but the more we get to know them, the more we fall in love with them.
This story was much more than just a spoiled rockstars give assistant crap book. I've been in a funk and I have had a hard time really getting into books lately. Not that they were bad in any way, they were good books. I just wasn't getting sucked in like I wanted. Until this book. I'm taking out the spoilers but this is literally what I sent after I finished reading.
I just finished it. Erin it was great! I loved it! Those boys have so much going on. And she's just what each of them needed. I love how it wasn't just an insta lust or corny. There's real depth and emotion and story.
I know Erin pushed this book back b/c she wasn't happy with it the first go round. I'm so glad she did b/c what she is giving us this time is an amazing story. Characters that make you feel so much for them. A story that tugs at your heart strings. Bad @ss rockstars who have the world at their fingertips and yet, have more problems than they can handle on their own. A fiercely determined female lead who, despite what is being thrown at her, holds her head high and fights for what she wants. Amazing job by this amazing author and a definite must read.
Oh and just a little side note, this DOES NOT end on a cliffhanger!! :) While the story could continue, it could also stop where it is and we'd be happy. My understanding is that since this book was more difficult for her to write, she will write more only if the readers want her to. If the book does well. Again, that's just my understanding of it. So if you really like it, make sure you leave a review and let her know.
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