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Grave Mistakes and Grave Consequences by Ivy Asher & Raven Kennedy

by - Monday, December 28, 2020


Grave Mistakes, (Hellgate Guardians)
Ivy Asher & Raven Kennedy
Goodreads/a>, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
It’s never a good combo to be broke and desperate. You do stupid things. Like accidentally sign your soul over to Hell. When I interviewed for a new security job, I didn’t bat an eye that it was for a literal graveyard shift...headstones and all. I mean, at the hourly rate they were offering, who cares? I got this. Turns out, I’m not guarding a graveyard like I thought. It seems I’ve just walked my broke ass into protecting a Gate to Hell. Yeah…I don’t got this. Now I’m stuck in a terrifying new reality: a group of hot demons who act like I can solve all their problems, and a battle between good, evil, and balance. This will seriously teach me to read the fine print on Help Wanted ads. Good thing this job comes with a scythe. Maybe I can use it to stop them from dragging my ass into Hell.

The main female lead, Delta, of this story is absolutely hilarious.
I think we've all been in the situation she finds herself in.
Down on our luck, no money in our pockets, just trying to find a way up.
However, I don't think any of us were ever half fallen angel and accidentally signed your soul over to hell.
Her job was supposed to be security for a graveyard.
Sounds easy enough right?
Finding three guys within the mausoleum that she was not suppose to be able to see opens up chaos on her life.
Everything she thought she knew is a lie.

We have four men in the harem.
Iceman (Rafferty), Jerif, Crux, and Echo.
You have your boss, Iceman, though he isn't all Alpha like you would assume.
That role is reserved for Jerif.
Crux and Echo are the flirts of the group.
Each are from a different ring of Hell (which I won't get into) that gives them different appearances and powers.

This book is told from Delta's point of view.
And ends on a major cliffhanger.
I'm so glad the other books in this series were out because I would have been frantic to figure out what happens next.

I absolutely loved this book and so glad I read it.
Would highly recommend reading it.           


Grave Consequences, (Hellgate Guardians)
Ivy Asher & Raven Kennedy
Goodreads/a>, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
Go into Hell, the hot demons said. It’ll be no big deal, they said. I was only supposed to walk through a Hellish Ring or two so we could find out my demonic origin. Easy peasy, Right? Wrong. Now I’m alone, locked up in some freak’s dungeon, and mourning the loss of my demons. Could they have done the impossible and survived the attack? Can they find me here? I don’t even know where here is. And…why the hell do I have wings? I don’t have time for this shit. I need to figure out what I am, where I am, and how to get out of here. Because I have a Hellgate to guard and my demons to search for, and nobody is going to stand in my way. Not even the Devil himself.

Book two picks up where book one left off.
Delta has figured out what ring of Hell she is from, but it comes with even more complications.
Learning of her heritage, Delta questions more and more about her life.
She is also harboring a broken heart thinking the guys died trying to protect her.
Good thing that isn't the case.

The relationships develop further in this book and we get some good bedroom scenes.

How this book ends gives us insight into book three, but it won't be the same characters.
We will be getting a different POV in book 3.
And how it seems I don't think it is an RH either.

However, this book puts you through the ringer.
Your emotions will be up and down through all of it.
Between Delta and her relationship with the guys.
Delta and her family heritage and what that means about her past.
It's a crazy roller coaster to be on.

I loved it.
And would definitely recommend.

Grave Decisions is already out, but I believe it is a ménage story. I haven't read it yet to tell for sure. 

I don't think Grave Signs is told from the same POV as books 1-3. It seems as if we have another new character introduced. From the synopsis it seems as if this is a regular romance between two people but I could be wrong. This book is also already out. 


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