This blog is recommended for 18+ due to the books that are shown.

Broken Bonds by J Bree

by - Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Broken Bonds, (The Bonds that Tie)
J Bree
Goodreads, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
After the death of my mother and her Bonded, I was relieved to find my own Bonds. I was sure everything would be okay if I had them. It wasn’t. The fate of our people is in my hands and I know we’re better off if I’m alone. After five years on the run, I’m caught and dragged back to face the men I ran away from. I thought I was doing the right thing. Now, I’m not so sure. North, Nox, Gryphon, Atlas, and Gabe may never forgive me but one thing is for sure. I won’t ever forgive myself. *Broken Bonds is a full length reverse harem PNR novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. This book will end on a cliffhanger. It's recommended for 18+ due to language and sexual situations.

I found this book through my smut book algorithm on TikTok.
While it wasn't one that was posted in a video, it was a recommendation on Amazon from another on there. 
I don't know how I didn't know about this book from J Bree as I've read other things by her and I'm sad that I didn't know about it as soon as it had released back in June. 
So glad I found it though and dove right in.

First things first.
This cover is absolute fire.
That is was drew my attention when I saw it as an Amazon recommendation.
Once I saw the author name, I didn't hesitate to add it to my reading list.
Even went as far as to stop reading the book I had been in order to dive into this one. 

There are no words to describe my love for this book. 
If you have read J Bree books in the past, you know that her heroine's are usually strong-willed, independent woman who stand by their choices whether right or wrong.
Oli, Oleander, is no different. 
She's quite young, but I feel seems very mature for her age. 
Even if she still makes mistakes.
I loved watching her development. Within herself and with her bonded.

Speaking of them, Atlas is in first place right now for my love.
Oli has five bonded mates.
Atlas, Gabe, North, Nox, and Gryphon.
North and Nox are brothers. With North being the oldest (I'm assuming). 
Atlas and Gabe are around the same age as Oli, though ages are never specified within the story (other than us knowing Oli is 19).
Gryphon is the wild card. We don't know much about him because he keeps his distance. 
My ranking is Atlas, Gryphon, Gabe, North and Nox. 
Their relationship is rocky. Things are not simple and it is hard to watch how things pan out between them all. 

However, I absolutely love how J Bree did the character development in this story. 
You definitely see a growth and build-up between them all. 
Her writing is lovely and you definitely get sucked into the story right from the beginning. 
Unfortunately, the book does end on a cliffhanger.
The good news? If you start it now, you only have to wait about a month for book two to release. 

Overall, this is a great read and I highly recommend for you to pick it up and read it for yourself. 

Book two, Savage Bonds, releases on September 28th. Cover has not been revealed as of today. 

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