This blog is recommended for 18+ due to the books that are shown.

Weekly Update 12/9-12/15

by - Thursday, December 13, 2018

What's New This Week

Join the group in a couple hours when CJ Strange takes over. She will be there from 7-8PM CST.

Books That Released/Are Releasing This Week

The Crimes of Alice by Erin Bedford

Dreamer by Lily Harlem

Innovation's Muse by Allyson Lindt

Blood Lust by Grace White

Keeper of the Norns by Tyranni Thomas

Petting Them Anthology

Rebel Loss by Lacey Carter Anderson

The Gladiator's Downfall by Kristen Banet

Five Alarm Forever by Dizzy Hooper

Holiday Between the Sheets Anthology 

Secret Dirty Santa by Yumoyori Wilson

Celestia Christmas by Yumoyori Wilson

Hell's Calling by Bea Paige & Skye MacKinnon

Voyage to Ayama by K.A. Knight

Lies and Other Drugs

Life Blood by Raylin Marks

Dead Girls Club by May Dawson (no link available yet)

New Pre-order Links

A Star Pilot's Heart by Eva Delaney & Vivi Clarke

Quicksilver Love by Skyler Andra & Mila Young

Wicked Wonderland by Eva Chase

Ascend by Lena Mae Hill

Fifth Soul by Arizona Tape & Laura Greenwood (originally published in Realms & Rebels anthology)

Maiming by A.K. Koonce

Sing for Me by Ellabee Andrews

Macabre Melody by Amy Sumida

Ghost by Lyla Oweds

Make sure you keep up with us on the FB blog page.

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