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Finding Strength (The Searchers), Ripley Proserpina 8/15

by - Thursday, August 15, 2019

Finding Strength, (The Searchers)
Ripley Proserpina
Goodreads, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
Apollo left, and it was the hardest thing he'd ever done. It was too much: sharing Nora with his friends. Not being her first. Her only. Apollo thought he had to be away to make sense of it all, but he was wrong. Nora loves him, and she needs him more than ever. But now it's up to him to finally accept in himself what Nora always saw.

Finding Honor
Finding Nora
Finding Valor
Finding Truth
Finding Courage
Finding Strength 8/15

This is the 5th book in The Searchers series and it is Apollo's book. In Finding Courage he broke all of our hearts when he left. He told Nora he needed time. So we start Finding Strength headed to Matisse's family home for Thanksgiving, without Apollo. Something very major happens and it sends everyone into a spiral. While it may be bringing some of them closer, we also seem to be getting more distance from someone too. I'm trying not to be all cryptic and stuff but I don't want to give anything away either. I will say that we learn all about Apollo and the things he has been through in his life. It gives you a whole new understanding for the issues he has.

I always seem to forget just how much I love this series. It never fails that as soon as I start reading I get drawn in and don't want to do anything else. This may be the most emotional yet for me though. There are some real tearjerker moments.

While this is Apollo's book, we still get several of the other guys POV and of course Nora as well. We are also still dealing with Dr. Murray and all his jacked up mess. So just like all the other books in this series, we have some action, some romance, some tragedy. This is the second to last book in this series *sad face* so we are starting to wrap everything up. We are also getting a couple hints about the last book as well. It will be so bittersweet for this series to end. I'm ready for Seok's story, but I'll be sad to see these guys go. We've grown so much with them.

If you are already reading this series then you will not want to miss this book. If you haven't started the series yet, you should definitely give it a shot.

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