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Leaving Eden~ Anthology

by - Sunday, September 29, 2019

Leaving Eden

Goodreads, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
It's only when one leaves Eden does one battle the temptation from within, and that temptation comes in the form of seven deadly sins:Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Wrath, and Pride.Life is hard enough on its own, but add a cardinal sin into the mix? What's a girl to do?
Pride by Petra J. Knox
When a mysterious illness hits the Forus village, healer Lyra swallows her Pride and makes the trek to the uncivilized Wildlands.
Dream My Way by Serena Lindahl
Aislynn's dreams have taken on a life of their own lately, but when she's burdened by Sloth, everything becomes more difficult... and sleep might be the only answer.
Envy by Lucy Roy When Charmaine makes a bargain with a fae witch, the price is a curse no one would Envy. And the cure? Finding her soulmates.
Death Dealers by Emma Cole
Born and cursed with Wrath, Retta prefers to live in her happy little bubble. Until her brothers start disappearing. When clues point to the Death Dealers, Retta's world is rocked on its axis.
Glorious Gluttony by Lexie Winston
When food blogger and Gluttony demon, Glory, samples the macarons at the new Tasty Treats, she gets more than she bargained for.**
The Irony of Lust by Kelly A. Walker
Being the embodiment of Lust, Lusia meets the only three men in the world who aren't affected by her power.
Greed by Kandi Vale
When Ava's Greed for the ultimate prize tempts the Wyvern Affinity in her, the consequences of stealing from three mysterious bounty hunters almost become more than she bargained for. Seven Sins. Seven Women. Seven Stories.
 *Each reverse harem story ends in happily-ever-after. Some stories contain violence, adult language and situations. Steam level will vary.
**Story contains MM.

This is a multi blogger review. Each story within the anthology will have its own review and star rating.

Petra Knox
Reviewed by Anna

Pride is based in an interesting setting. Not modern at all. Lyra is a healer. One of the best. So when one is needed to leave and travel to the Wildlands, of course Lyra is chosen. The people of the Wildlands are sick. It's spreading quickly and Forus Adon is in over his head. Adon, his second Jonah and his commander Leon are at a loss for solutions. He reaches out for help and he gets Lyra. Can they all set their pride aside and accomplish their goals or will it cost them everything?

Now this is in an anthology so of course the stories are shorter. I really enjoyed this one though. You still have plenty of story to read and hold your interest. You still have a chance to connect with the characters. The heat level in this one was very low. We have more of a problem to solve and just watching the relationship develop along the way. All in all I give this one a solid 4 stars.

Dream My Way
Serena Lindahl
Reviewed by Anna
Aislynn has always had some pretty intense dreams but ever since a traumatic even in her life, they have felt more real than ever. With things in reality crumbling around her, she finds herself wanting to escape to her dream world more and more. Especially since she gets to control how those dreams play out and she's found some interesting men in her life to dream about. What happens when your dreams start blurring into reality though?

I wasn't sure what to expect with the sin of Sloth. I couldn't imagine Sloth really being sexy or attractive on a female. Serena did a great job with this though. Aislynn isn't just a slob. She's dealing with a lot and her depression is weighing her down into her sloth tendencies. She's finding it hard to focus and find the energy to do things. Which is understandable when you learn her story. Nash, Reece and Devon are the men of her dreams and they don't have a clue as to what is happening with them. It's quite interesting this world of dreams vs reality.

Now this book does kick it up on the steam level. Which is expected when you are talking about dreams. Overall I really enjoyed this story and could have read some more of it.

The Irony of Lust
Kelly A. Walker
Reviewed by Kayla

I liked the basis for this story.

Lust is the child of Adam and Eve Morningstar, the original sinners of the world. Lucifer took them in after their fall from grace and blessed them with a child, Lusa.
Because she is one of the original seven sins, Lusa is gifted (or cursed in her opinion) with attracting male and females alike with a simple glance in her direction. The pull is made worse by touch.
She can't hold relationships and even friendships are hard due to the boyfriends of her girl friends eventually succumb to her allure.
That all changes when she is destined to meet her one true love.
Imagine Lusa's surprise when she doesn't have just one, but THREE mates.

Like I said, I really enjoyed the idea behind this story, but felt like it fell short of my expectations.
It was a very fast paced plot line and because of this, maybe lost some of its meaning along the way.

Overall, I did enjoy the story.
I'm curious if the author will continue the series with the other deadly sins.
How some of the story read makes me think there is a story there, but I'm not sure on that.
It would definitely be interesting.

Kandi Vale
Reviewed by Kayla

I need more!

I'm not even sure where to begin to describe this book.

Ava is a Wyvern spirit, or Affinity.
And because of such, she is influenced by it.
Wyvern Affinities are graceful and intriguing as well as a tad bit greedy and quick to temper.
Hence her current predicament.
Ava spotted the three Griffin Affinities in the marketplace and knew immediately that they would become a mark.
You know because she's a pirate.
But after watching them for a while to learn their habits, the need grew into something more that melted into bitterness.
She never expected to be caught. Or to feel an unrelenting pull with the three.
Her world is turned upside down in the matter of one night.

I loved the characters in this story, especially Ava.
Would love to see this story expanded or continued on as a series.
It definitely hints at the possibility of more, but who knows if that will happen.

Overall, it was a fun and quick read.
Enjoyed it a lot.

Lucy Roy
Reviewed by Missy

I am Intrigued!

Envy is about our female lead Charmaine.  In order to get out of marrying a despicable king, she enters into a deal with a witch.  She has to do the witch's bidding, and she is now cursed.  Her power is Envy.  She has a balance she must have when she feeds/persuades, for she can permanently harm their hearts and minds.  One such night, while doing the witch's wishes, which just so happens to go along with her own wants, Charmaine is confronted by brothers Corbin, Andreas, and Enzo.  They have known her since childhood, even wanted her hand,  and can spot when she is up to something.  However once they find out the truth, will they help Charmaine?  Or will they go on their way knowing that not only can they help her with her mission, but possibly break the curse.

This was a great introduction to what I hope gives us more of these characters.  There is a question at the end that leads me to believe that we will.  The characters are interesting, and do have chemistry.  The pace is fast, so a lot happens quickly so definitely be paying attention.  I really liked the plot and how things turned out.

Overall, this is a great addition to this anthology, and definitely worth the read. 

Glorious Gluttony
By Lexie Winston
Reviewed by Lauren

Making me hungry!!! 

Glorious Gluttony is starring our own little gluttonous demon Glory. Not shocking but our Glory loves her sweet treats and knows all the great places to find what she most desires. While hunting down what she most desires, she finds those who.. she most desires!! This is a sweet but flame hot story about enjoying the good things in life but especially how there is no cookie cutter (excuse the pun!) approach to life. 

Right off the bat Glory is my take no S#$T! kind of girl, not when facing down judgemental skinny bitches and or jealous lovers. While crashing a wedding she meets a handful of people that will change her life forever and for such a gluttonous little thing she isn't selfish. Glory will stand up for herself but still manages to be down to earth and sweet. 

But this really did make me hungry there was pastries and my favorite.. PIZZA. Short sweet and super tasty I loved it!!

Death Dealers 
By Emma Cole
Reviewed by Lauren

Hell have no fury, like WRATH. 

Retta has a history that says she has seen and done, things. Like all good stories it has so much to do with true love, betrayal and some screwed up prearranged marriage plans. Retta is the original wrath, the first female with more power than her other siblings, the original sins. When her family is in danger the typically very isolated Retta is forced to hunt down the truth. Thousands of years old and jaded by history and heart break Retta is about to learn of true earth shaking change. Unchangeable, unbreakable bonds that intertwined with the past and future forces. 

I want to know more... this is not my typical read which has me pondering what else in this world I've turned down that I shouldn't have. Is it finally time for me to watch Handmaidens Tale, Breaking Bad or Shameless? Retta is a feral cat that has been thrown in a box with a few other tomcats used to getting their way. Wrath/ Retta makes you want to stand up and fist bump the air everytime she throws one of these "useless" males to the floor. They don't totally know what they've gotten themselves into but honestly neither does she. 

I really enjoyed exiting my box, it was a great combination of mythology, theology and #WhyChoose. Retta isn't perfect and will admit that but history has taught her to be skeptical. The men while they can really be a bit bullheaded have serious sweet sides. There are many turns you just don't see coming which is always good for me, I feel like after a billion millions books I've read I can see where the "surprise" comings. Any book that sneaks up on me with THAT is awesome.


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