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Survivor (Drop of Death), B. C. Morgan

by - Monday, September 30, 2019

Survivor, (Drop of Death)
B.C. Morgan
Goodreads, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
My name is Zara King, and I'm trying my hardest to stay alive. I live in Isolone, which is supposed to be a sanctuary. Where we are judged by the colour of our banding. Mine is Red, I am one above the worst colour imaginable Grey. I'm forever being punished for not fitting in with the 'perfect people.' When I'm suddenly put onto an Elixir to make me more desirable in the leaders' eyes, I am thrust into more danger. Being a Red is unthinkable, being immune to the incu247 is a death sentence. I don't know whom I can trust or even count on anymore, and all I really want to do, is escape. Even if it would prove to be certain death, I would still be happy, knowing that I died free. With things growing riskier by the day, I will need to keep my wits about me and convince everyone, I am just like them. With my allies growing, I could fool myself into believing I'm safe, but I have very dangerous enemies and I'm not sure I can win. Trigger Warning Contains physical and emotional abuse, please do not read this book if that will be difficult for you. Reverse Harem book and contains sexual content

Zara was born into a post apocalyptic world. One where you are classed by your color. You are supposed to be given a color based on what you can contribute to society but that's not always the case as Zara knows first hand. It doesn't matter what you can or can't do if you have the right people against you. Always struggling to keep her head above water, Zara has few friends she can rely on. When her life takes a sudden turn with the Elixir she's not sure if she can even trust them anymore. With new allies trying to come into her life and old allies showing their true colors, Zara is struggling to keep it all together. Life keeps throwing her surprise after surprise. How much longer can she scrape by before death finally catches up with her?

This is the first book I've read by B. C. Morgan and my understanding is this is her first RH. I have to say that I really enjoyed it. This book is a little bit of a divergent feel to it so if you enjoy books like that then you will definitely enjoy this one. Zara is a pretty Bad A female MC. She's been through a ton of crap in her life and she keeps on kicking. She's got a smart and sassy mouth that gets her in a ton of trouble. She is also an extremely strong lead. Dealing with things that she has to deal with and surviving. I tell you, BC picked a heck of a title b/c it defines Zara to a T.

We've got a couple different directions we can go with our guys in this book. It's not clear yet just who her guys are going to be but you can get some really good guesses in this first book. I know some I am definitely rooting for. So needless to say this is a slow burn. While there may not be any in depth relationships yet, you really get a good feel for all of the characters and their stories.

Now read the trigger warnings b/c this book does get a little touchy in some places. Zara goes through some things. Bless her she goes through some things. She always comes out the other side though. She is one tough cookie.

I wouldn't say it ends on a cliffhanger really. Just that it's got you set up to go into the next book. It was definitely unexpected what happened at the end though. I sure didn't see that coming and I'm intrigued by not knowing the full extent of who/what it's going to involve. I say this was a great intro into this new series and a great first RH if you don't mind the slow burn. I don't mind the slow burn at all especially when you have so much interesting story going on.

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