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The Fall (Daughter of Perdition), Adell Ryan

by - Friday, January 31, 2020

The Fall, (Daughter of Perdition)
Adell Ryan
Goodreads, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
Sometimes, we do unforgivable things… just to survive. Who — or what — I am is a mystery, where I came from an enigma. All I know is I fell from the sky. In this strange land, only a select few females exist, one per thousands upon thousands of males — including the male who fell right alongside me. He’s different, though… My Fallen companion may hold the key to unlocking the long lost memories trapped in the recesses of my mind, or maybe he is the reason I want to forget. One thing is for certain: I’m determined to find out. In this beautifully dangerous land, full of sin and submission, men are mine for the taking, and mortals are my prey. Problem is, I’m not sure I’m cut out for the dark and twisted role this place demands.

First things first, read the trigger warnings if you have triggers. I don't so I didn't have any problems with this book. But they are there for a reason.
Second, there is a list of definitions in the beginning of the book. Here's a little trick I did. Highlight each definition. Then when you come across a word that you need to look up, you can just click on your notes on the top of your screen. That way you aren't having to skip all the way back to the front of the book.

The Fall is different than anything I've read which is always a good thing. Adrestia has fallen into a strange new place with no memories of her former life. When she wakes up, there is a male that has fallen as well. When she is around him, she gets flickers of memories but nothing solid seems to stick. When he's pulled away from her she is determined to find him and unravel the secrets. Lucky for Andrestia, she has a couple guides/teachers to help her find her place in this new world. Even they can't seem to grip what she is and why she is so different. A new female fallen is unheard of. The things she can do are breaking all the rules.

Now as Adrestia is learning all about this new world, we are learning as well. That helps to keep the flow going and make the world building smooth. There is so much to learn about this place and the people. I really enjoyed how it was framed so we picked it up right along with her. I want to talk about the guys that are in her life but as she is still working out who that will be I don't want to spoil anything. I have the ones I am really pulling for though. I think you will as well. You can't help but just open your heart to them.

This book pulled me in from the get go. There was so much suspense and always something new happening. Never a dull moment for sure. And yes we do get some sexy times. That one scene....oh man. Super hot. Now that ending, like holy cow. What the hell. Don't get scared, it's not all leaving us left hanging on the edge. It's just a great set up for what is to come and the suspense we have had through the whole book continues, leaving us craving more!

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