This blog is recommended for 18+ due to the books that are shown.

Fractured Angel (The Fall), J.J. Dean

by - Monday, February 03, 2020

Fractured Angel, (The Fall)
J.J. Dean
Goodreads, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
The war draws nearer and desperation grows. Both sides of Heaven and Hell are growing restless, interfering with Luna's once stable life. With four angels now a fixture in her apartment, things have taken a turn for the crazy. Ms. Frenchie is missing, walking outside is no longer safe, and Luna finds herself visited by minions of Lucifer and God more than she would care for. Twists and turns lead Luna and her angels to the other side of the world, scouring the streets of London in an attempt to find her missing best friend. When things go awry and trouble comes knocking, Luna is forced to start making the hardest decisions she's had to since leaving her past far behind her. As danger nears and Luna's life takes a step in the wrong direction, reality quickly dawns on the flawed angel. No one is safe, everything she knows is changing, and the ones closest to her are in more danger than she imagined. With Heaven and Hell vying for her loyalty, will Luna remain strong enough to whether the storm, or will her flawed disposition be the death of her? After all, there are only few ways to break a Fractured Angel. *This is a Reverse Harem novel and does contain scenes intended for mature audiences. *Recommended for readers of the ages 18+ due to adult content, strong language and violence.

Flawed Angel
Fractured Angel

This is the second book in The Fall series and you most definitely need to read the first book before you jump into the second. Luna (Neveah) is a fallen angel living on earth. She was told to choose between Good and Evil and she chose humanity. So she's lived on earth getting a visit every 50 years to ask her to decide. In book one, we meet 4 angels who have come to help force her hand at a decision. Two good, two evil. They quickly become fixtures in her life. They help her with all the obstacles coming from Lucifer and God. Now in book two, she's on the hunt for her missing friend. Luckily she still has her four angels to help b/c things get really ugly really quick. With war quickly approaching, Heaven and Hell have upped their game. Trying to force her hand to decide. Luna finds herself in more trouble than she ever thought after all her years.

I forgot how much I enjoyed this series. The first book gave us a good introduction to Luna and the guys. The world they are living in and their purpose. This second book just increases the game. Luna seems to attract trouble everywhere she goes. So we have a lot of action and suspense in this book. We also get to spend more time with the guys. I feel like we really got to connect with them on a deeper level and man, can these boys make me swoon. And they can piss me off really good too. Good thing they are so lovable and can make up for it. We also have some sexy times. Those hell boys knows how to bring the fire. HOT!

We do not get a happy ending yet with this book. It was pretty intense there at the end. Definitely left us hanging on with a NOOO!!! Don't do it. What's gonna happen?   SO ready for the next book. So if you like angels, demons, good vs evil and bad boys who aren't afraid to sacrifice for what they want, you need to read this series.

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