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Just Drop Out (Hannaford Prep Year One) J. Bree

by - Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Just Drop Out, (Hannaford Prep Year One)
J Bree
Goodreads/a>, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem

After surviving foster care and a high school that breeds gang members and drug dealers I've finally found my path to freedom: emancipation and a full ride scholarship at the ultra-exclusive Hannaford Prep. All I have to do is survive. After attracting the wrong sort of attention from the richest boy in the country, pissing off the hottest guy in school and being humiliated in front of my favorite rock idol I am now the target of the most popular, and cruelest, group in the freshman class. They want my blood. They can have it. I'm stronger than any spoilt rich kid. But can I survive the game the Juniors have started with me as the goal? Now every boy at Hannaford wants to have me. All except the three I want. Ash, Harley, and Blaise don't care about the game, all they care about is destroying me.

Just Drop Out
Make Your Move (9/21)

I saw this on a feed, and read the blurb.   Interest caught.  From page one this book had my attention til the end.  I promise you this is not like any bully romance you have read.  I personally checked with the author, and this is going to be RH.  I am so stinking excited because I really like every single one of the Bad Boys, Ash, Harley and Blaise.  Our female lead, is not like most.  She is something these boys have no idea who they are messing with.  Lips is freaking amazing!! She is so bad a@@.  Everything they throw at her, she takes with her head held high, with a smirk on her face.

So if you read the blurb you know that she starts school at the ultra exclusive Hannaford Prep.  She came from a neighborhood where it is kill or be killed. So going to this preppy school, she will endure.  She wants to use this as a stepping stone to a better life for herself.  There she meets the evil twins Harley and Avery.  Their cousin Ash, and their rock star friend Blaise.  Which he just so happens to be part of her favorite band.  And they hate her.  They make her life hell.  The problem is, she is not breaking.   Guess everyone is about to find out just what Lips is made of!

Lips, aka Eclipse, I really think has just become one of my all time favorite female leads.  There is so much more to her than no money, and where she is from.  She knows what life is like out on the streets and she is fighting hard for her future.  A future that is her own.  She is young, a freshman, but very mature.  She would have to be, to have gone though what she has.

The guys, I can honestly say you are going to go from hating them, to somewhat liking them, to nope pretty sure that's hate I am feeling.  There is a twist in here that normally you do not see in Bully reads.  I am interested to see how this pans out.  There is a not really a cliff hanger, just a lead into the summer.  I really cannot wait to see what happens next!!

If you are looking for a good bully romance!! Read this!! You will not be disappointed.

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