Broken Destiny (Hidden Academy), Serena Lindahl

Broken Destiny, (Hidden Academy)
Serena Lindahl

Goodreads, AmazonSerena Lindahl

It's a...Reverse Harem
Having spent the last seven years in an orphanage, Zosia is shocked when someone tells her she's a sphinx and the last guardian of the sentient library of Supernaturals. The elite academy which houses the powerful library rejects her because she isn't perfect, but she knows instantly that the library is where she belongs. She ignores the academy's decree and gathers others around her - four guardians who are just as perfectly imperfect as she is.
But her powers, her ability to shift, and her strength are tied up in the memories she can't bear to access - memories of torture as a young girl - horrible acts which made her the way she is. When the library is all that stands between two ignorant factions trying to cause a war, it's up to her and her guardians to prevent it. But first, she has to face her worst fears - including believing in herself.
***This book is a reverse harem, why choose, slow-burn adventure. Some topics may be triggering and/or of a sensitive nature. ***
I don't know if I've ever told y'all this before but I don't always read the blurbs of books. Sometimes I do if I'm in a funk and can't find what I really want to read but most of the time I just read authors I know I enjoy and go in blind. That's what I did with Broken Destiny. I went in blind, not having any clue what I was going to be reading other than it was Serena Lindahl and it was RH. I don't know really what I was expecting but what I got was a book that sucked me in frome start to finish. I freaking loved this book so much. Zosia is an amazingly imperfect character. She's been through so much. She's been living in the human world for so long that she doesn't really even understand the supernatural world anymore. She's been told so many times that she is worthless that she doesn't know how to handle it when she finally finds her place in the world. Which she does. It's not at the snooty Hidden Academy itself but the library it houses. She and her four guardians will have to work hard and quickly to figure things out. The library holds a lot of power and there are evil individuals, both human and supernatural, that would love nothing more than to bring them down.
All four of her guardians are imperfect as well. Each special in their own way. We collect them along the way so I don't want to spoil who they will be before we get there. I will say that even though they all have their own "difficulties", they fit Zosia perfectly. I can't wait to see their relationships continue to grow.
As with a lot of leads that have damaging pasts, Zosia has to unlock and overcome the memories of what happened to her as a child. This is an utterly heartbreaking moment for many reasons. Not only what was done to her but by whom. She is strong and resilient though and she will pull through. I'm just not sure yet what unlocking those memories will cost her in the end. Speaking of ending, holy freaking hellfire. My heart. My Kodi.
I was not at all expecting to fall in love with this book and these characters the way I did. Serena did a great job introducing us to this world and making us invested in this story. I'm hoping like hell the second book isn't too far away.
1 comentarios
I also hope there is another book,please