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Changes and Chocolates (Untouchable), Heather Long

by - Monday, January 27, 2020

Changes & Chocolates, (Untouchable)
Heather Long
Goodreads, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
170 some odd days left in my senior year and everything has changed. I went from untouchable to dating my best friends to making out to being betrayed. Why can’t they understand humiliating and controlling me doesn’t say I care? Could this get any worse? We’ve all crossed lines. Broken the rules. Ian had asked me to Homecoming. Jake spent the night in my bed. Coop and I had made out on the sofa. But Archie? Archie and I had blown past all of them. Now? I had to get out of here more than ever. Change was inevitable. College was coming. That was where my focus needed to be. Not on the four guys I adored. Our friendship was everything and there wasn’t enough chocolate in the world to salvage this situation. Losing them for a few months hurt. Losing them forever might be inevitable, but it would be unbearable.

Rules and Roses
Changes and Chocolates
Keys and Kisses

Changes and Chocolates is the second book in the Untouchable series so if you haven't read Rules and Roses, you need to go do that now. C&C picks up where we left off in R&R. With that monumental bomb that got dropped on Frankie and threatened to ruin everything. That is only the tip of the iceberg of Frankie's problems. After finally deciding to journey into dating, she's found herself with more boyfriends than she knows what to do with. As if the stress of them all coming together in this new way wasn't enough, add in the secrets they were keeping from her, the secret admirer, jealous ex girlfriends and yea, her mom just tops it all off. Any of that alone would be enough to crumble a new relationship so how are they all going to handle it piling on them?

So I will say that I started this book being completely destroyed by the guys and mad as hell at them. Same as Frankie. I think I probably forgave them a little quicker than Frankie did. They did win my heart back though which is all that mattered. Thank goodness too b/c Frankie sure needs them with all that she has going on. High school girls can be ruthless. Frankie learns all about that in this book.

Just like the first book in this series, I was hooked from the get go and I just felt these characters so hard. Their hurt was my hurt. Their anger was my anger. And oh my word the freaking angst we have in this book. It was off the charts. It wasn't all dark and gloomy though. There were some fun and lighthearted times as well. Oh and we do get some hanky panky going on too.

Now this book does NOT leave us with the happy ending we know is coming. It is no where near as bad as the ending of the first book. Not even in the same universe. But I was very disappointed in a couple of characters. My heart, it just still hurts for our dear Frankie.

If you loved the first book, you are going to love this book as well. I'm telling you guys, I feel it. This is going to be one of those epic series.

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