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New Horizons by Heather Relken

by - Tuesday, February 23, 2021


New Horizons, (The Aethercurrent Chronicles: The Baron's Hand)
Heather Relken
Goodreads, Amazon
It's a...Reverse Harem
Top on the list of "things I didn't expect to happen this weekend" is: -- Surprise sex with an alien-cyborg commander, which means I'm now the lady-mate in a weird marriage triangle with him and his legionnaire -- Though being taken to, and promptly busted out of, Area 51 by the aforementioned aliens is definitely a close second. I also didn't really bargain for how much I'd fall for these two extraterrestrial men. There are more than a few on this rig who find our relationship a violation of nature, though. And unfortunately they don't seem content to just judge us silently from afar. No, these Turukai are more than willing to voice their disagreements. And when they threaten not just my happy little threesome, but all of humanity as well? I might be forced to make one hell of a drastic decision.

*Trigger Warning*
There is a certain part of the story that needs to be addressed as a possible trigger warning.
The female lead doesn't necessarily decide to call this one act rape, but it is eluded to such a nature.
If you are uncomfortable with such things, please do not read this book.

This isn't like most alien books I've read.
At least in my opinion.
Sure, you have the classic trope of woman stumbles upon alien.
Alien kidnaps human.
Human and alien fall in love.
But this is so much more than that. 

Lila is trying her hardest to get over a break-up.
It wasn't one she necessarily wanted, but she knew it was for the best.
Doesn't mean that it doesn't still hurt.
Even after a year
However, she decides it's time to climb a new mountain.
Figuratively and physically.
She never expected for her mini vacation to take the turn it did.

When Lila finds the alien, he is being chased by some form of government.
Only they don't seem to care that he is chasing right behind Lila and she will be caught in the cross-hairs.
After they are both brought back to the facility, Area 51 is Lila's guess, things take an even further turn.
This is where it starts getting good. 

The romance in this story is different.
Mostly because of the alien culture.
It starts off as a single romance.
And it isn't with the alien you would initially believe.
In the alien culture, females have servants who are usually not a part of the romance side of things.
However, Lila changes that for her new family dynamic.
And when Lila is nearly killed protecting her aliens, they call in her ex-boyfriend who is a doctor and things change once more.
You don't get to see much of the relationship once the human doctor is added into the mix.
Mainly because it does take place closer to the end of the book, but that doesn't mean that it isn't there or interesting to see play out because it is.
This story isn't about the steaminess of the relationships, but more about how they are cultivated and grown upon. The amount of communication they have between each other and how open they are to changing the dynamics between one another even though neither party are accustomed to such things.

There is some steaminess within the book, but not overly so.
We see mostly from Lila's point of view.
However, we do see some of the male characters POV's as well. 

One thing that I will say confused me in this story is the main female characters name.
Each chapter has the character name of who you will be reading from.
On the female's, it is Lila.
However, she doesn't go by that name.
She goes by Reagan.
It takes a while for you to figure out the WHY of this.
And it is her last name.
Lila Riley Reagan I believe is her full name.
Each of the male characters call her something different.
It's cute like a pet name, though it is her given names.

This book is very well written and you definitely get to see the individual characteristics of each of the people you are reading about.

Would definitely recommend to those looking for some RH Sci-Fi romances to give this one a try.
You won't be disappointed.           

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